Hier kann das ultimative Gästeprogramm heruntergeladen werden.
Download the ultimate guestprogram here.
Télécharger le programme ici.
Allgemeine Programminformationen Samstag, 30. Juni 2018 11.00 Uhr Begrüssung in der Kirche Sigriswil(Anschliessend Apéro im Festzelt und Zeit der Begegnung) 14:00 Uhr Auswahlprogramm Hängebrücke (zu reduziertem Tarif) und / oder Guntenschlucht Geführte Rundgänge in Sigriswil und den andern Dörfern Ausstellung von Stammbäumen und Familiengeschichten Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in der Umgebung Vielfältige Verpflegungsmöglichkeiten (auf eigene Rechnung) 20.00 Uhr Sigriswiler Unterhaltungsabend im Festzelt Einheimische Musik, Geschichten und Festwirtschaft Sonntag, 1. Juli 2018 09.45 Uhr Gottesdienst in der Kirche Sigriswil(Anschliessend Kirchenkaffee) Anschliessend Programm nach Ansage (ab Ende Januar auf der Homepage)Auswahlprogramm wie Samstag (bis 16.00 Uhr) Touristische Informationen Unterkunft Auf oder finden Sie Hotels, B&B’s und Ferienwohnungen in diversen Preisklassen, ebenso bei unter Ort: CH-3655 (PLZ Sigriswil) Unser Tourismusbüro hilft Ihnen gerne weiter. Telefon: 033 251 11 46. Die Anmeldung ist erforderlich bis 31. März 2018 Bitte mit separatem Anmeldeformular oder online hier
Allgemeine Programminformationen Saturday 30 June 2018 11:00 am Opening ceremony at the church in Sigriswil(Followed by a reception in the tent and time for meeting cousins and making friends) 02:00 pm Afternoon program to choose from Walk over Sigriswil suspension bridge (reduced price) Explore Sigriswil or any of the surrounding villages on your own or with a local guide Exhibition of Family Trees and Family Histories - Sharing, learning, be surprised – also bring your own! Many choices for trying local food (at your own expense) 08:00 pm Sigriswil evening entertainment in the then(With local music, stories and food (at own expense) Sunday, 1 July 2018 09.45 am Reformed church service in der church of Sigriswil(Followed by reception) afterwards Afternoon program will be published on our website by end of January and also announced on arrival (on webpage from January on) Tourist Information Accommodation Visit for hotels, B&B’s or apartments in various price categories. See also or (using Sigriswil zip code CH-3655 as location) You may of course contact our Tourist Office for help: Call 0041 33 251 11 46.Registration is needed before 31 March 2018 Directly through our website (here), by e-mail or use of registration form!
Programme générale Samedi 30 juin 2018 11h00 Accueil dans l'église de Sigriswil(Ensuite, apéro dans le chapiteau, temps d'échange et de partage) 14h00 Programme à choix Pont suspendu (au tarif réduit) et/ou randonnée vers la gorge de Gunten Visites guidées à travers Sigriswil et des villages aux alentours Exposition des arbres généalogiques et leurs histoires Possibilité d'excursion dans la région Un grand choix de restauration (payant) 20h00 Soirée festivedans le chapiteau à SigriswilMusique traditionnel, des contes et de la restauration sur place Dimanche 01 juillet 2018 09h45 Office du dimanche dans l'église Ensuite, café et apéro dans l’enceint de l'église sur une note conviviale Ensuite Programme à choix jusqu'à 16h00 (voir le programme de samedi) Informations touristiques Hébergement Sur ou vous trouverez des hôtels, des BnB et des locations de vacances dans différentes catégories de prix, ainsi que sous la localité: CH-3655 (code postale de Sigriswil) Notre office de tourisme se tiens à votre service au 033 251 11 46 pour tous renseignements. Délai d'inscription: au plus tard d'ici le 31 mars 2018 Merci d’utiliser le coupon d’inscription séparé ou ici
Programm (Deutsch)
Program (English)
Programme (en français)
Informationen ...
Liebe Sigriswiler überall in der SchweizDie ersten Heimattage vom April 2016 sind noch in guter Erinnerung. Wie damals versprochen, gibt es im Sommer 2018 die nächsten Heimattage. Alle, die das letzte Mal verhindert waren oder erst im Nachhinein davon erfuhren, laden wir ganz besonders dazu ein – und natürlich alle, denen es bei uns gefallen hat!Auch dieses Mal wird es uns leider kaum gelingen, alle „Sigriswiler“ ausfindig zu machen, auch wenn wir uns Mühe geben… Deshalb zählen wir auf Ihre Hilfe! Sagen Sie es unbedingt allen Verwandten weiter! Durch unsere Homepage ist das ganz einfach - machen Sie davon Gebrauch! Wir sind froh, wenn Sie sich und ihre ganze Familie möglichst bald – aber spätestens bis 31. März 2018 mit untenstehendem Formular anmelden. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!Mit freundlichen Grüssen Marianne Vogt-Amstutz (Vorstandsmitglied von Sigriswil-Tourismus) Anmeldung hier
Dear Sigriswil cousins around the globe!You have heard about our upcoming event, the first Sigriswil Homecoming Days... For your Swiss cousins this is actually the second such event after a trial version in 2016. Back then we had no idea what to expect, but were surprised to have about 400 people visit! Among them were many French speaking Amstutz, von Gunten, Santschi, Kaempf, Sauser and others. So be prepared for a very colorful, multilingual happy gathering.If you want to - bring your family tree and history, anything you are willing to share. (If your tree is more than 5 meters long- maybe you rather bring an electronic version)We are aware that it is totally impossible for us to contact everyone with Sigriswil roots. So we hope you will help by simply forwarding the invitation brochure and this registration form on to your cousins. You may also invite them to visit our website – On this platform you will find more information and news as time goes by. You also find us on Facebook.Registration is neededIt will help greatly with our preparations if we do receive your registration before 31 March 2018. Best wishes from Sigriswil - hoping to see you soon,Marianne Vogt-Amstutz, Sigriswil tourism board member Registration can be done online (click here)
Chers "Sigriswiler" à travers toute la Suisse,Vous avez certainement gardé un bon souvenir de la première rencontre "Sigriswiler patrie". Et comme promis, la prochaine rencontre aura lieu en été 2018. Nous invitons tout particulièrement toutes celles et ceux qui n’ont pas pu participer la première fois ou qui en ont appris l’existence que par la suite, à nous joindre en 2018 – et naturellement tous ceux qui ont apprécié notre première rencontre.Cette fois-ci encore, il ne nous sera probablement pas possible d’atteindre tous les "Sigriswiler", et cela malgré tous nos efforts … C’est pourquoi nous comptons sur votre aide ! Faites-le savoir à toute votre parenté, par exemple en les informons de notre site Internet !Nous serions heureux de vous compter, vous et votre famille, parmi nos hôtes! Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant – mais au plus tard d'ici 31 mars 2018. Cordiales salutationsMarianne Vogt-Amstutz (Comité directeur de l'office de tourisme de Sigriswil) On peut faire l'inscription ici (cliquer ici)
Welcome letter
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(Anschliessend Ap\u00e9ro im Festzelt und Zeit der Begegnung)\n\n
Einheimische Musik, Geschichten und Festwirtschaft\n\n\n\n
Sonntag, 1. Juli 2018
(Anschliessend Kirchenkaffee)\n\n
(ab Ende Januar auf der Homepage)
Auswahlprogramm wie Samstag (bis 16.00 Uhr)\n\n\n\n
\nTouristische Informationen
Auf oder finden Sie Hotels, B&B\u2019s und Ferienwohnungen in diversen Preisklassen, ebenso bei unter Ort: CH-3655 (PLZ Sigriswil)
Unser Tourismusb\u00fcro hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.
Telefon: 033 251 11 46.
Die Anmeldung ist erforderlich bis 31. M\u00e4rz 2018
Bitte mit separatem Anmeldeformular oder online hier"}},{"name":"","type":"switcher_item","props":{"title":"English","content":"Allgemeine Programminformationen\n
Saturday 30 June 2018
(Followed by a reception in the tent and time for meeting cousins and making friends)\n\n
(With local music, stories and food (at own expense)\n\n\n\n
Sunday, 1 July 2018
(Followed by reception)\n\n
(on webpage from January on)\n\n\n\n
\nTourist Information
Visit for hotels, B&B\u2019s or apartments in various price categories. See also or (using Sigriswil zip code CH-3655 as location) You may of course contact our Tourist Office for help: Call 0041 33 251 11 46.
Registration is needed before 31 March 2018 \nDirectly through our website (here), by e-mail or use of registration form!"}},{"name":"","type":"switcher_item","props":{"title":"Fran\u00e7ais","content":"Programme g\u00e9n\u00e9rale\n
Samedi 30 juin 2018
(Ensuite, ap\u00e9ro dans le chapiteau, temps d'\u00e9change et de partage)\n\n
dans le chapiteau \u00e0 Sigriswil
Musique traditionnel, des contes et de la restauration sur place\n\n\n\n
Dimanche 01 juillet 2018
\nInformations touristiques
Sur ou vous trouverez des h\u00f4tels, des BnB et des locations de vacances dans diff\u00e9rentes cat\u00e9gories de prix, ainsi que sous la localit\u00e9: CH-3655 (code postale de Sigriswil) \nNotre office de tourisme se tiens \u00e0 votre service au 033 251 11 46 pour tous renseignements.
D\u00e9lai d'inscription: au plus tard d'ici le 31 mars 2018 Merci d\u2019utiliser le coupon d\u2019inscription s\u00e9par\u00e9 ou ici"}}]},{"name":"","type":"image","props":{"margin":"default","image":"images\/yootheme\/Various\/gemeindeSigriswilKarte.png","image_width":"400","text_align":"center"}},{"name":"3erGrid","type":"grid","props":{"show_title":false,"show_meta":true,"show_content":true,"show_image":true,"show_link":true,"grid_default":"1","grid_medium":"3","title_element":"h3","meta_style":"meta","meta_align":"bottom","icon_ratio":4,"image_align":"top","image_grid_width":"1-2","image_breakpoint":"m","link_text":"Read more","link_style":"panel","margin":"default","text_align":"center","panel_style":"card-hover","gutter":"collapse","panel_size":"small"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Program (Deutsch)","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/D_Einladung Sigriswiler Heimat-Tage 2018.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Programm (Deutsch)"}},{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Program (English)","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/E_Homecoming days 18 english.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Program (English)"}},{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Programme (en fran\u00e7ais)","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/F_Invitation Sigriswiler Heimat-Tage 2018 f.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Programme (en fran\u00e7ais)"}}]}]}]}]},{"name":"generelleInformationen","type":"section","props":{"style":"muted","width":"default","vertical_align":"middle","title_position":"top-left","title_rotation":"left","title_breakpoint":"xl","image_position":"center-center","overlap":true,"header_transparent":"dark","animation":"fade"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"row","props":{"fixed_width":"large","breakpoint":"m","layout":"1-1"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"column","props":{"widths":["1-1"],"image_position":"center-center"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"headline","props":{"title_element":"h2","content":"Informationen ...","animation":"slide-left-medium","title_style":"h1","margin":"small","text_align":"left","text_align_breakpoint":"m","text_align_fallback":"center"}},{"name":"","type":"switcher","props":{"show_title":true,"show_meta":true,"show_content":true,"show_image":true,"show_link":true,"show_label":true,"show_thumbnail":true,"switcher_style":"subnav-pill","switcher_position":"top","switcher_align":"left","switcher_grid_width":"auto","switcher_breakpoint":"m","switcher_animation":"fade","switcher_height":true,"title_element":"h3","meta_style":"meta","meta_align":"bottom","image_align":"top","image_grid_width":"1-2","image_breakpoint":"m","switcher_thumbnail_width":"100","switcher_thumbnail_height":"75","link_text":"Read more","link_style":"default","margin":"default"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"switcher_item","props":{"content":"Liebe Sigriswiler \u00fcberall in der Schweiz
Die ersten Heimattage vom April 2016 sind noch in guter Erinnerung. Wie damals versprochen, gibt es im Sommer 2018 die n\u00e4chsten Heimattage. Alle, die das letzte Mal verhindert waren oder erst im Nachhinein davon erfuhren, laden wir ganz besonders dazu ein \u2013 und nat\u00fcrlich alle, denen es bei uns gefallen hat!
Auch dieses Mal wird es uns leider kaum gelingen, alle \u201eSigriswiler\u201c ausfindig zu machen, auch wenn wir uns M\u00fche geben\u2026 Deshalb z\u00e4hlen wir auf Ihre Hilfe! Sagen Sie es unbedingt allen Verwandten weiter! Durch unsere Homepage ist das ganz einfach - machen Sie davon Gebrauch!
Wir sind froh, wenn Sie sich und ihre ganze Familie m\u00f6glichst bald \u2013 aber sp\u00e4testens bis 31. M\u00e4rz 2018 mit untenstehendem Formular anmelden. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Mit freundlichen Gr\u00fcssen
Marianne Vogt-Amstutz (Vorstandsmitglied von Sigriswil-Tourismus)\nAnmeldung hier","title":"Herzlich willkommen"}},{"name":"","type":"switcher_item","props":{"title":"Welcome","content":"Dear Sigriswil cousins around the globe!
You have heard about our upcoming event, the first Sigriswil Homecoming Days...
For your Swiss cousins this is actually the second such event after a trial version in 2016. Back then we had no idea what to expect, but were surprised to have about 400 people visit! Among them were many French speaking Amstutz, von Gunten, Santschi, Kaempf, Sauser and others. So be prepared for a very colorful, multilingual happy gathering.
If you want to - bring your family tree and history, anything you are willing to share. (If your tree is more than 5 meters long- maybe you rather bring an electronic version)
We are aware that it is totally impossible for us to contact everyone with Sigriswil roots. So we hope you will help by simply forwarding the invitation brochure and this registration form on to your cousins. You may also invite them to visit our website \u2013 On this platform you will find more information and news as time goes by. You also find us on Facebook.
Registration is needed
It will help greatly with our preparations if we do receive your registration before 31 March 2018.\nBest wishes from Sigriswil - hoping to see you soon,
Marianne Vogt-Amstutz, Sigriswil tourism board member\nRegistration can be done online (click here)"}},{"name":"","type":"switcher_item","props":{"content":"Chers \"Sigriswiler\" \u00e0 travers toute la Suisse,
Vous avez certainement gard\u00e9 un bon souvenir de la premi\u00e8re rencontre \"Sigriswiler patrie\". Et comme promis, la prochaine rencontre aura lieu en \u00e9t\u00e9 2018. Nous invitons tout particuli\u00e8rement toutes celles et ceux qui n\u2019ont pas pu participer la premi\u00e8re fois ou qui en ont appris l\u2019existence que par la suite, \u00e0 nous joindre en 2018 \u2013 et naturellement tous ceux qui ont appr\u00e9ci\u00e9 notre premi\u00e8re rencontre.
Cette fois-ci encore, il ne nous sera probablement pas possible d\u2019atteindre tous les \"Sigriswiler\", et cela malgr\u00e9 tous nos efforts \u2026 C\u2019est pourquoi nous comptons sur votre aide ! Faites-le savoir \u00e0 toute votre parent\u00e9, par exemple en les informons de notre site Internet !
Nous serions heureux de vous compter, vous et votre famille, parmi nos h\u00f4tes! Inscrivez-vous d\u00e8s maintenant \u2013 mais au plus tard d'ici 31 mars 2018.\nCordiales salutations
Marianne Vogt-Amstutz (Comit\u00e9 directeur de l'office de tourisme de Sigriswil)\nOn peut faire l'inscription ici (cliquer ici)","title":"Cordiale bienvenue"}}]},{"name":"3erGrid","type":"grid","props":{"show_title":false,"show_meta":true,"show_content":true,"show_image":true,"show_link":true,"grid_default":"1","grid_medium":"3","title_element":"h3","meta_style":"meta","meta_align":"bottom","icon_ratio":4,"image_align":"top","image_grid_width":"1-2","image_breakpoint":"m","link_text":"Read more","link_style":"panel","margin":"default","text_align":"center","panel_style":"card-hover","gutter":"collapse","panel_size":"small"},"children":[{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Willkommensbrief","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/D_Begleitbrief d.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Willkommensbrief"}},{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Welcome Letter","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/E_Welcome Letter and Registration Form.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Welcome letter"}},{"name":"","type":"grid_item","props":{"image":"","title":"Willkommensbrief","link":"images\/yootheme\/Documents\/F_Lettre -Begleitbrief f.pdf","icon":"cloud-download","content":"Bienvenue"}}]}]}]}]}]} -->